Retro Vgm Revival Hour




Konami was once synonymous with challenge, high quality and innovation going all the way back to the 8-bit era. The name was well known for great gameplay and amazing franchises, but over the past few years, this company seems to have lost its way. Konami fans have been clamoring to see a return of some of gaming’s most revered titles for some time, but all fan requests seem to have fallen on deaf ears as the company is moving away from traditional video games entirely to focus on other businesses (such as portable IOS games and gambling pachinko machines. This means they no longer have any interest in funding Metal Gear Solid games or even their silent hill franchise. Truly this has been a sad time for those who grew up on many Konami titles growing up. But this podcast is not to dwell on the bad, but to focus on the good things that KONAMI brought us: memorable gaming experiences, characters and most importantly amazing soundtracks. Which is why this stage of the retro VGM revival hour is dedicated to O