
What Causes Toenail Fungus



Cure Your Nail Fungus Today! Schedule A FREE CONSULTATION (800) 672-0625 Fungal nail infections are caused by the overgrowth of fungi in the nail, on the surface of the nail, or between the nail and the nail bed. It is most common in warm, moist environments because this is the type of environment where fungi thrive. This causes the fungi to overpopulate, therefore causing an infection. Fungi can be found everywhere in the environment, even on the body. The fungi that’s already present on the body can cause these infections. You can get the infection when you come in contact with someone who already has a fungal infection. Getting pedicures can also cause toenail fungus if the tools used are not sanitized. Pedicure tools such as clippers and emery boards can spread fungus from person to person Many factors contribute to getting toenail fungus. The following are risk factors that increase your chances of fungal infections: diabetes, poor circulation, old age, wearing acrylic