
Common Causes Of Foot Pain



Cure Your Foot Pain Today! Schedule a Consultation with one of our podiatrists (323) 486-6008 The feet carry the body around all day, every day, wherever you go. It receives pressure from the weight of our bodies, which makes them susceptible to wear and tear. Here are the common causes of foot pain Plantar Fasciitis is where the ligament, plantar fascia, which connects the heel to the toes becomes inflamed. Plantar fasciitis is usually due to stress and tension on the heel. A bunion is a deformity that causes a bump on the joint of the big toe. The bump can become inflamed and cause pain and discomfort. It is caused by the misalignment of the toe joint due to multiple factors such as abnormal foot function and tight-fitting shoes. Hammertoes is a condition where the toe bends downward at the middle toe joint. This causes the middle toe joint to rise and misalign from the other toe joints. It usually affects the second toe and occurs with bunions. Heel spurs are abnormal bone g