
Toenail Fungus Questions Answered



Cure Your Nail Fungus Today! Schedule A FREE CONSULTATION (800) 672-0625 Toenail fungus is very common. You may have many questions about it. What is it? Do I have toenail fungus? What are the causes? Can it be prevented? How do you treat toenail fungus? Here, we will answer all the questions you might have, as briefly as possible. What is Toenail Fungus? Toenail fungus is an infection on the toenail caused by fungus. Your toenail may change in color to yellow or brown. It may also change its shape, lift or crumble. What causes toenail fungus are microorganisms called dermatophytes. They thrive in warm and moist environments like sweaty socks and shoes, communal showers, gym locker rooms, or public pools. Once a person is infected, it can spread to another person. Other risks are nail injury or underlying diseases that weaken the immune system. How can toenail fungus be prevented? This can be done by maintaining proper foot hygiene. Wash and dry your feet regularly and tr