Dr Fitness And The Fat Guy

The Final Four Best Ways To Deal With Low Back Pain. "Congrats Gators!" Says The Fat Guy.



"The funniest weight loss and fitness radio show on the internet." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy show. Our new and improved podcast is now commercial free and streamlined. This show features Doctor Fitness' Final Four Ways To Cure Low Back Pain. Dr. Shafran's tips this week are 1) Take a lukewarm Jacuzzi bath every morning. 2) After your bath stretch your whole body for 25 minutes..head to toe 3) Strengthen your back muscles with an exercise called Supermans or if your in the pool do Aquaman's. 4) Take omega 3 fatty acid supplements each day. Consult your doctor especially if you are diabetic, asthmatic or are takibng blood thinners. To learn the rest of the Doctor's best tips you're going to have to click that podcast button and listen to Dr. Fitness explain everything. If you missed this show live you missed some funny stuff like: Lee being stalked by a vicious dog during a walk with his family. Adam's technique to teach a kid to hit a ball even if they a