Starting From Nothing - The Foundation Podcast | Building Your Business Entirely From Scratch.

SFN164: Jason Carter on Generating $115k Using Cold Email



Jason Carter is a software engineer with a PhD in computer science. While going through The Foundation Process, Jason dabbled with a few different niches. Once he started seeing results, he focused on the path of least resistance. Through consistent action and reflection, he learned what he what he was doing wrong in his process, then made adjustments to set his system right. In just eight months he was able to generate $115k all from using cold email.   In this interview, Jason tells us what he’s learned from mistakes he’s made when he first started cold emailing people, and what he changed in his subsequent emails. He also shares why he deviated from developing a software for multiple customers in one niche (like most Foundation students have done), to developing software on a per-project, one-off basis.     In This Interview I Ask: 4:41 - What was going on in your life before the Foundation, and what was the impetus for you to decide to go through [the program]? 6:01 - Have you ever been out there selling