Starting From Nothing - The Foundation Podcast | Building Your Business Entirely From Scratch.

SFN168: Aaron Vidas On Calculating the ROI Of Your Marketing



Aaron Vidas is the founder and CEO of Strategy Box, a company that helps others companies find their most profitable customers and creates radically simple plans to help them grow. In this interview, Aaron talks to us about the software he built to help B2B companies determine the ROI of their marketing. Aaron shares his journey from validating his idea to hiring someone else to execute on his minimum viable product. We learn the importance of evaluating the ROI of our marketing and how you can use Strategy Box's dashboard to see what’s working for you in your business.   In This Interview I Ask: 2:55 - Recap for us, what did you find out your business was great at that you decided to focus on? 10:23 - When you look at an opportunity, but [realize] I’m not the guy to go execute it, how did you start moving towards this process? 13:42 - How do you view market/idea validation? 17:07 - What did the build look like for the MVP (minimum viable product)? 21:11 - What does the [StrategyBox] dashboard look like in t