Starting From Nothing - The Foundation Podcast | Building Your Business Entirely From Scratch.

SFN 172: Oren Klaff On How To Pitch & Close Billion-Dollar Deals



Oren Klaff is the author of Pitch Anything, an innovative method for presenting, persuading, and winning the deal. Oren has personally worked on a billion dollar in deals. In this interview, Oren breaks down the Pitch Anything Method, including setting the frame, creating tension and overcoming objections.   In This Interview I Ask: 1:23 - What kind of deals have you been involved in total? 2:46 - With the skillset that you have, why go write a book? 8:06 - In the book, you talk about three levels of the brain. When I’m firing questions at you, which part of the brain am I appealing to? 12:29 - Before you formulated your method of moving through the pitch, what were you doing before instead? How were you thinking about making a pitch during a deal? 14:35 - Why is setting the frame important? 17:11 - How do you set the frame so that you’re negotiating or pitching as equals, even if the other person has a bigger name, a large company, or strong influence or recognition? 20:16 - How are you using this idea intr