Starting From Nothing - The Foundation Podcast | Building Your Business Entirely From Scratch.

SFN173: Rob Walch on Starting A Podcast: Pro Tips For Entrepreneurs



Rob Walch, recently inducted into the Podcast Hall of Fame, is the VP of Podcaster Relations with Libsyn and hosts the podCast411 podcast.  His books, “Podcast 101” and “Tricks of the Podcasting Masters,” are available on Amazon and iBooks.   In this episode, Rob outlines his tips to entrepreneurs interested in starting a podcast, including when and why to monetize, how to use a podcast to build credibility in your niche, and the importance of providing great content in podcasting.  Rob also discusses his opinion of where the future of podcasting is going.   In This Interview I Ask: 2:50 - What were you up to before you got into the podcast world? 6:45 - When you say clients, what do you mean? What were you helping them with at the time? 8:50 - What is your opinion for entrepreneurs on poor reasons to start a podcast? 11:50 - What are some opportunities available to you if you do start a podcast? 17:30 - If someone wants to build authority in a niche, how does podcasting compare to self-publishing? 21:40 - Wh