Starting From Nothing - The Foundation Podcast | Building Your Business Entirely From Scratch.

SFN174: Patrick M. Powers On Networking Like An Entrepreneur



In This Interview I Ask: 2:35 – So before we dive in any deeper, Patrick, tell us what are you up to in the world right now? 4:00 – Entrepreneurs in London: how big is that group? 4:30 – Give us a sense of what that group runs on, meaning is that a group that you started on MeetUp? 7:30 –  What was your original intention when you started that MeetUp group? Was it to actually grow it to 18,000 people and monetize it, or when you got that thing started what was going through your mind? 8:48 – What I'm always curious about from entrepreneurs is what it actually looked like for them to start that first thing that blows up. Was there a big strategy and planning going into it? Or did one day you just say, “I can make this better,” and you threw up a group and kind of said, “I'm just going to see how this evolves?” 10:17 – What was that first event? What kind of details do you remember about that very first event? 11:15 – There's going to be a large percentage of listeners who might have been to MeetUp groups, but