Wake Up With Monika Zands

018: Make an Impact on People’s Lives by Sharing Authentically with Alexa Rose Carlin



Guest Alexa Rose Carlin is a speaker, business coach, author, and entrepreneur, who started her first business at 17. An autoimmune deficiency almost kept her from graduating college and working in the fashion industry designing jewelry. Alexa shares the story of how she turned a near-death experience and a debilitating disease into her personal brand by authentically sharing her ordeal on Periscope. Her goal is to empower people to believe in themselves, so they can accomplish their dreams and make a difference in the world. Alexa’s All-In-One (Authenticity, Inspiration and Optimism) philosophy has earned her paid speaking engagements and a reputation as a confidant for people who need to feel like someone is listening.   Key Takeaways: [1:39] Alexa volunteered to be put into a coma when a medical team was needed to save her life from Sepsis. [10:34] After moving to NYC to start her career in the fashion industry, Alexa got sick again. [12:46] Alexa adopted a healthier lifestyle and wrote a cookbook. [14:26]