Respect The Grind With Stefan Aarnio

Self Made: Confession 23



For Stefan Aarnio the small monthly income he made on his cash-flowing real estate was simply not enough, he had an appetite for adventure. As time went by, and due to the nature of real estate, his credit cards started to get maxed again and he was basically burning out. In desperation, he looked for a mentor who would be willing to share his expertise. The good news is this mentor existed, the bad news is his fee was crazy high.  In this chapter you’ll learn why you shouldn’t quit your job if you’re not a proficient seller, the importance of a mentor's tough love and why you should never back out of your agreements. If you only had $500 left, would you spend them or invest them? “Suddenly, I hit a magic number. I now had more than 10 rental units and self-management was becoming a nightmare.” Learn how Stefan Aarnio went from selling luxury hotel rooms over the telephone in the middle of the night, with a major in English and a minor in music, to know every rule of the game, and winning it. Enter: https://s