Sales Enablement Lab With Thierry Van Herwijnen | Enabling Sales Conversation That Matter

SELAB Season 1, Episode 9 - Death of the B2B Sales Rep?



Tom Pisello is the CEO & Founder of Alinean. He is a serial entrepreneur, popular speaker and author, focused on value marketing and selling. Tom's latest book was published in April and is called the The Frugalnomics Survival Guide - How to Use Your Unique Value to Market Better, Stand Out and Sell More. In this week's podcast Tom and myself talk about one of the very hot sales enablement topics currently being discussed on social media: the future of B2B sales reps. Forrester forecasts that 1 million US B2B salespeople will lose their jobs to self-service eCommerce by the year 2020. Both Tom and myself were in the presentation which Andy Hoar delivered in Scottsdale, AZ during the Forrester Sales Enablement Forum.  Andy shared how B2B buyers now favor do-it-yourself online options for researching and buying products and services, and they are demanding that B2B sellers fully enable those digital paths to purchase. Tom and myself discuss how the world of sales has dramatically changed in the last years,