Sales Enablement Lab With Thierry Van Herwijnen | Enabling Sales Conversation That Matter

SELAB Season 1, Episode 14: Death by powerpoint! The cost of not communicating clearly



  Simon Morton is the founder and managing director of Eyeful Presentations. Eyeful Presentations helps companies with their last mile communication, translating a product or an idea into an easy to understand value proposition and presentation. Simon is also the author of a great book called "The Presentation Lab" focussed on the same topic. Interested in his book? Read till the end. You work extremely hard for months, sometimes years on your product and now you have reached the point you are ready to launch it to the market. How do you communicate the value your product brings in the most effective and efficient way so people start to buy? You can have the best idea or product in the world but if you can’t articulate the value in an easy to understand way your efforts will go to waste. In this week’s podcast Simon and myself will talk about how to create a great message and how to translate that message into a great presentation. How do you avoid the “Death by PowerPoint” syndrome which we have all experien