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Josh Bleill: Losing my legs in Afghanistan didn't mean I had to give up my life



Learn more at Sign up for the Carpe Diem Daily 12 Month Challenge by texting VAL to 38470.   Episode 92 with Marine and motivational speaker, Josh Bleill: Losing my legs in Afghanistan didn’t mean I had to give up my life.   Summary: Josh Bleill was a Marine stationed in Afghanistan when a bomb explosion took both of his legs, and also the lives of many of his friends.  He now works as a motivational speaker for the Indianapolis Colts, and during this inspiring interview he shares how he recovered – both physically and mentally – from the accident.  Josh talks about the strategies and techniques he uses to put himself in the right mindset, and how he gets through tough times without giving up.   History and background  2:10 Born and raisedin Indiana, Josh had a great family growing up. He played a lot of sports most of his life.  And after 9-11, he felt a calling to join the marines. His grandfather and father had served before. So in 2003 he joined the Marine Corps, and in 2006 Jo