Remote Presence

Risen from the plague! Let's play catch-up.



EP8 back again.  Check its records, let's begin. Apologies for the delay in content, but we here at the Remote Presence headquarters had a case of the plague(and I don't mean the hacker) hit us, which coupled with a few cases of "work travel". Anyhow, we are back and healthy again! Today in our offering we more or less play catch-up over the last few weeks.  There have been a number of new releases including new profiles to examine, such as Hector and the Su Jian.  Additionally, we talk a little about ITS 2016 and Operation Flamestrike, and to that effect Sean goes into both the 2016 Practice Tournament that he ran as well as his "on the road" Flamestrike mission while he was in Milwaukee. Greg expands a little into why he enjoys Hacking so much and we have two pieces of listener email: one asking us to elaborate on how we like to use both smoke and mines.  We also receive a bit of Pa-NO propaganda straight out of Flamia Island! Sorry about the lack of timestamps today, and how suddenly this episode ends.  We