Remote Presence

By the power of Adepticon... I HAVE THE HSN3!



HSN3 is here and in our hands! I totally should have used the He-Man Audio in this one, but I wanted to get this one kicked out faster than usual.  To that end little to no editing has been done, though if you're curious, stick around past the closing music to hear a totally hilarious outtake. Anyhow, despite none of us attending Adepticon this year, one of our local Hardcases by the name Ben managed to swing a few copies of the book for us(sorry to those who were actually there and could get a copy, I'm sure hearing us talk about it is no consolation). Also keep in mind that at this point, we had the book in our possession for roughly 24 hours, and Joel did not have it at all.  This is 100% stream of consciousness style discussion as we make our way through the sections of the book and talk about the things that jump out at us.  We will follow up with more coherent thoughts in time, as we've had longer to absorb the content. I'm not even going to write up timestamps for this episode, because we talk a little