Remote Presence

Prince and the Twinfinity Revolution



Welcome to a purple laden episode 10! Hot on the heels of the Twinfinity Open 2016, we spend most of our time talking about it!  It came off as a pretty great success so we engage in a lot of conversation about the event itself: Sean from the TO's perspective, and Greg and Joel from that of the players.  We also discuss, in sort of vague terms, our plans of expansion for next years event. We move on to talk a little more about HSN3, now that we've had some time to really digest it.  Joel also asks what we think on the subject of Courtesy Lists where it relates to Holoprojector, and we discuss that.  Please keep in mind that we recorded this two days before Army 6 courtesy lists became "Holoprojector Friendly", so yes we know that some of what we say about this topic is now invalid.  However I left it in the episode because some of Greg's points are still perfectly valid.   We field a quick listener email from the Madison, WI community and call it a wrap. Timestamps: 00:00:00 Joel tells a funny story.  Bear w