Simply Delicious Living With Maryann®

Thrive During Business Change With Certified Business Change & Transition Coach Fern Perusse-Filzen, FPF Coaching



Whether you run your own business, or work as an employee for a company or organization, change is a certain guaranteed inevitability. You might be involved in a merger and acquisition, perhaps there’s a shift in management, maybe you’ve been downsized or a client decides not to renew their contract with your company. Rather than stress out and predict doom, NAWBO Ventura Board Member and Certified Business Change & Transition Coach Fern Perusse-Filzen, offers tips, techniques, and strategies that will help you thrive through growth and transformation. “Change is a natural part of life, and necessary for development and success,” said Perusse-Filzen. “Through a system that I refer to as ‘Process + People = Prosper,” I assist individuals, companies, and their staffs prosper during change by providing them the tools they need to succeed.” “On my website, I offer a FREE guide, ’10 Tips for Thriving with Organizational Change and Transition. This offers proactive steps to company leaders with a desire to lead