Fit Pro Business

Lead Generation For Personal Trainers



How to drive a consistent flow of leads into your fitness business. Are you struggling to get leads? I'm here for you get on my schedule visit and schedule your FREE fitness business audit. "The best way to sell something - don't sell anything, earn the awareness, respect, and trust of those who might buy. " Jeffrey Gitomer "Today people are the most effective marketing channel of your brand." David Scialpi Generate leads into your business through multiple channels: 1. Social media post, and social media marketing. 2. Your website. 3. Sending out a regular e-newsletter. 4. Print advertisement. 5. Referrals and referrals partners. 6. Joint venture partners. 7. Host events. 8. Text message marketing. 9. Phone calls to leads, previous clients, etc. 10. Lunch & learns, speaking engagements. 11. Hosting a podcast. 12. Posting how to and educational videos on youtube. You can do this! Get on my calendar and lets create a clear roadmap for you to follow to help grow your fit