Fit Pro Business

Take the Stairs Mentality



If you want to have success in business you have to be willing to pay the price. Want help growing your fitness business? I'm here for you get on my schedule visit and schedule your FREE fitness business audit. "Success is often not the result of our major decisions, but more deceptively it is the aggregate sum total of all our small and seemingly insignificant ones. Success comes down to choosing the hard right over the easy wrong, consistently." Rory Vaden "...success is never owned, it is only rented–and the rent is due every day–the only question now is am I willing to pay a price that is greater than everyone else?" Rory Vaden Insight #1. You have to be willing to pay the rent. Insight #2. Law of diminishing intent: Most people set out on fire to achieve their goals because our intent to take action is strongest the moment we create that intention. Unfortunately, however, over time our initiative starts to erode. You can do this! Get on my calendar and lets crea