Gar! The Glenn And Ray Podcast

GAR Podcast Episode 12: We Will Never Get A Richman's Ice Cream Sponsorship



This week's podcast includes discussion of the following: Two fat nerds / shout outs / Glenn got an iPad / Captain Midnight / Evernote / Grand Theft Auto / Sniper Elite V2 / Ray's grandfather / Marvel Augmented Reality / Mark Waid on Man of Steel / Punisher War Zone / Siegel and Shuster / work for hire / WCW War Games / The Humpty Dance / Taco Bell and Richman's Ice Cream / Paula Deen's French fries / no excuse for racism / P-Funk and comics / PCU / Links: South Jersey Writers The Obligatory Blog Glenn's review of Captain Midnight #0 Evernote Mark Waid on Man of Steel The Biff Bam Popcast, Man of Steel edition Paula Deen's French Fries recipe (We like the French Fries. Paula Deen, not so much.) Al Sharpton on Paula Deen Men of Tomorrow: Geeks, Gangsters, and the Birth of the Comic Book Mr. Selfridge Glenn got his Punisher actors mixed up. What follows is the short film Thomas Jane (not Ray Stevenson) put together where he appears to play the Punisher again. Be warned, not family, work, or kid safe… "T