Gar! The Glenn And Ray Podcast

GAR! Podcast Episode 15: Grumpy and Grumpier



This week's podcast includes discussion of the following: cranky Ray / digital music / Robin Renee / blog tours / Sharknado / Zimmerman trial / another news rant / Batman '66 / digital comics / DRM-free comics / All Things Fun! / digital vs. hardcopy / comics shops / why Glenn won't read Preacher / Squirrel Girl / San Diego Comic-Con / cosplay / leering vs. admiring / Cory Monteith / heroin / don't do drugs, kids / smoking alcohol and butt chugging / re-watching The Sopranos / The Last Castle / True Romance / violence and horror / test patterns / the other Captain Midnight / Max Headroom / shut down the internet / the last telegraph/gram / Pacific Rim / Links: Robin Renee The Robin Renee Blog Tour "All I Am" by Robin Renee Glenn's review of Sharknado Glenn talking digital comics at Biff Bam Pop! Glenn's review of Batman '66 #1 at All Things Fun! Image Comics launches DRM-free digital comics All Things Fun! Daikazu Captain Blue Hen Comics Preacher The All Things Fun! New Comics Vidcast Glenn explains Squirrel