Gar! The Glenn And Ray Podcast

The GAR! Podcast 130: Hell in a Cell



This week's episode of The GAR! Podcast includes discussion of the following: intro / South Jersey Writers / Jessica's new website / binge watching / binge reading / better as binge / WWE collections / Cesaro / Shane McMahon / Hell in a Cell / fantasy vs. reality / crazy Shane / Glenn's short attention span for wrestling / Roman Reigns vs. Triple H / Weight Watchers / talk shows / loose pants / hair fixing / OJ / non-binge shows / Big Daddy Graham / AMC / social media? / closing / The Biff Bam Pop! Podcast Network / what would you do with a billion dollars? / Links: South Jersey Writers' Group Breaking Bad with Jessica Walsh Jessica Ann Walsh's new website Glenn's "Arrow" reviews Glenn's "Jessica Jones" reviews "The Walking Dead" at Biff Bam Pop! Nerdfect Strangers Biff Bam Pop! The Biff Bam Pop! Podcast Network Glenn's Twitter Ray's Twitter The Adventures of Ray The GAR! Podcast on Pinterest The GAR! Podcast on Instagram The GAR! Podcast on Stitcher The GAR! Podcast on iTunes The GAR! Podcast Group on Facebo