Love Ya Like Crazy

'A Wrinkle In Time' by Madeleine L'Engle



In this episode, Carrie and Jake discuss Madeleine L'Engle's 1963 classic 'A Wrinkle in Time'. Among other things, we talk about death bats and Communism, and the lack of time travel in the books comes in for a certain amount of criticism. Spoilers abound, so we recommend reading the book before listening! An automatically generated transcript can be found at -- if you're interested in helping to improve it, then let us know. In the next episode, we'll be discussing Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins, one of Carrie's favorite books. If you have any comments or suggestions, join us on our Goodreads page at, or tweet to us at, or email us at podcast at We'd love to hear from you! We're having a book and DVD giveaway!