Love Ya Like Crazy

'The Selection' by Kiera Cass



For this episode, Carrie and Jake discuss 'The Selection' by Kiera Cass. Jake enumerates all the times he swore at the book, Carrie is intrigued to learn that there's an official Selection Coloring Book, and in general we probably spend more time dissecting the sociological underpinnings of the book than we do talking about the plot. Spoilers abound, so we recommend reading the book before listening! In the next episode, we'll be discussing 'Beauty Queens' by Libba Bray -- check it out if you want to get a jump on things! If you have any comments or suggestions, join us on our Goodreads page at, or tweet to us at, or email us at podcast at We'd love to hear from you! Thanks to Shaenon K. Garrity for designing the Love YA Like Crazy icon, to the Sentimental Favorites for the use of their song 'Hey There', and to Charlie McCarron for the 'Love YA Like Crazy' tag. You can help support production of