Love Ya Like Crazy

'Vivian Apple at the End of the World' by Katie Coyle



For this episode, Carrie and Jake discuss Katie Coyle's "Vivian Apple at the End of the World". Spoilers abound, so we recommend reading the book before listening! Jake describes this book as 'Left Behind for atheists', which seems designed to appeal to Carrie and Jake, and a lot of people clearly love it, but C&J really didn't. How can a book where the young female protagonist goes, sledgehammer in hand, to find the people responsible for the Rapture, fail to please the Love YA Like Crazy hosts? Listen to this episode to hear Carrie and Jake work their way through this question, and even find a few things they did like about the book. In the next episode, we'll be discussing Rebecca Stead's "When You Reach Me". We make a number of references to Neal Shusterman's book 'Unwind' in this episode. If you want to hear us talk about it in greater length, you can find it in episode 4 of this podcast in your favorite podcast listening app, or online at