Love Ya Like Crazy

'The Hazel Wood' by Melissa Albert



For this episode, Jake flew to North Carolina so that he and Carrie could discuss 'The Hazel Wood' by Melissa Albert in person. Thanks to Jody [REDACTED] for recommending it, and to Alex [REDACTED] for her recommendation as well! We really appreciate you getting in touch with your suggestions. Also in this episode, Carrie decides against moving to Narnia, Jake analysis morality via Dungeons & Dragons, and we embrace ambiguity -- or do we? (Yes.) Spoilers abound, so we recommend reading the book before listening! Jake mentions an episode of the Please Don't Send Me Into Outer Space podcast. It's episode 128, 'Battle for the Stars'. Also mentioned: Lifemark and They See Me Rollin. Check 'em out! In the next episode, we'll be discussing Ship It by Britta Lundin. If you have any comments or suggestions, join us on our Goodreads page at, or tweet to us at, or email us at podcast at We'd love to hea