Love Ya Like Crazy

PodX Episode 0: Teaser



Jake recently went to the PodX podcasting conference in Nashville, and talked to some of the podcasters there about YA books, or books that were important to them when they were young. Starting tomorrow, and continuing every week until we run out of interviews, we'll be posting these in the feed. This episode gives you a little sneak peek at these discussions. Here's what you can look forward to: Lee LeBreton of 'Within the Wires' discussing Madeleine L'Engle's 'Many Waters' Jeffrey Cranor, also of 'Within the Wires', on Sarah Maria Griffin's 'Spare and Found Parts' and Lewis Carroll's 'Alice in Wonderland' Julie Shapiro, executive director of Radiotopia, and Carrie Poppy of 'Oh No Ross and Carrie', each talking about Louise Fitzhugh's 'Harriet the Spy' Hal Lublin of 'We Got This with Mark and Hal' talking about Piers Anthony's 'Xanth' books, among other things Ross Blocher of 'Oh No Ross and Carrie' discussing Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli Simone de Rochefort of 'The Polygon Show' talking about Libba Bra