Comedia A Go-go's Public Axis

Public Axis #44: Nerd Alert Designs



Recorded at the Public Axis F-Stop on May 23rd, 2013 with Nerd Alert Designs. 00:00 We're overrun by the ladies of Nerd Alert! Crissy, Sofi, Amanda and Kathy normally make one-of-a-kind clothing creations aimed at your bleeding heart of nerdy nostalgia...but tonight, they dominate our boy's club podcast armed with a box of wine and knowledge of porn parodies. 9:23 Aiight Den! Like most gamers, Jess wasn't blown away by the Xbox One reveal and felt its online dependent tech doesn't stack up to the “old school”. Thus, his inspired topic is born: “When you hear the words, “OLD SCHOOL”, what immediately comes to mind?” 33:01 Dad's Corner(ed)! Larry's daughter is growing up tough by joining roller derby, but kids will always be kids and finds inspiration for her roller name from the best cartoons. With the present company, it's a perfect time to ask, “Which cartoon character did you want to be when growing up?” 52:18 Hey, That's Not Funny! What makes a voice sound sexy? Regan discovers an article that delves into