Comedia A Go-go's Public Axis

Public Axis #66: Cody O'Dell



Books to Film! Horrible Gift Giving! Terrifying Science Jobs! Kick off 2014 with a New Year's Public Axis with guest Cody O'Dell! Recorded at the Public Axis F-Stop on January 1st, 2014. 00:00 Happy New Year! We welcome comedian Cody O'Dell to the F-Stop to ring in 2014. He's a handsome man who has been places. Eh. 11:04 Yeah, Imma Look Into Dat! Jess talks up the new Stephen Chow film, Journey to the West, an adaptation of one of China's most treasured tales from the 16th century. Topic #1: Which one of your favorite books/novels would you like to see adapted to film? 42:06 Dad's Corner(ed)! Another Christmas in the can and for the first time, Larry messes up with a crappy gift for his wife. Topic #2: What's the worst gift you've ever bought for someone? 1:07:43 Hey, That's Not Funny! Regan rolls over a list of best and worst science related jobs, but today, we focus on the sucky lengths man goes...for science! Topic #3: What do you think would be the worst science related job you could ever have? 1:29:30 An