Comedia A Go-go's Public Axis

Public Axis #67: Rachel Feinstein and Michael V Suarez



Irrational Fears! Making Fun of Kids! Judging Books by Their Cover! A Magical Evening for All to Share! It's Public Axis with guests Rachel Feinstein and Michael V Suarez! Recorded at the Public Axis F-Stop on January 5th, 2014. 00:00 Right off the stage after a spectacular week at the LOL Comedy Club, the lovely comedian Rachel Feinstein and comedy gamer pal Mike Suarez join us at the F-Stop! Kicking it off is a tale involving high school kids, overalls and mind-numbing shame. 8:52 Yeah, Imma Look Into Dat! Jess talks up the upcoming film, A Fantastic Fear of Everything, starring Simon Pegg as a children book author developing an adult murder mystery novel that exacerbates his irrational fears. Topic #1: What is the most irrational fear that you've ever had? 35:18 Dad's Corner(ed)! Larry's boy wants to be like daddy – cutting up and making with the funny, on purpose. Or “on poopus”. Topic #2: Is there anything you did as a child that your family still makes fun of you about? 55:51 Hey, That's Not Funny! Rega