Don't Do It Yourself

DDIY 50 - Tighter Than Hagrid's Hut



We finally hit the big 50! We're an over the hill podcast now. Thanks everyone who has listened over the past year. Grab the latest Cosmo mag, sidle up to the S.S. Waterspout's fish fountain and let's enjoy our time together.   Topics: SS Waterspout, I'm not goth I just miss grandma, Buffalo Bill, A Song of Vanilla Ice and Fire, Clay reads us Cosmo,  Bottomless Daiquris, Kiss and Release, Hagrid's Hut, Squid Salad, Fishing for Razors, Zac's future job at Cosmo, Toilet Hand. Wikihows: How to react after your wikihow article has been deleted, Cosmo's Manthropology, How to retrieve a razor from the toilet?