Risk Everyday With Kristy Arnett

You will spend 90,000 hours of your life working— here’s how to make it count (even if you’re at a job you don’t like)



Did you know that you will spend 90,000 hours of your life working? That's over 3,700 days! We better make it count then, right?  But what do you do if you can't seem to find the right job? One that fulfills you. What if you're in a job now that isn't right? Today on the podcast, we're going to talk about how to figure out what you work purpose is and how to make the best of it even if you're not in the perfect job right now. Our guest today is Leah Weiss. She is a researcher, Professor, consultant and author. She teaches courses on compassionate leadership at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and is principal teacher and Founding Faculty for Stanford's compassion cultivation program which was conceived by the Dalai Lama! She's also written the book, "How we work: Live your purpose, reclaim your sanity and embrace the daily grind" which is out in March 2018. In it, she offers practical evidence based strategies to achieving workplace and career satisfaction. Links:  Leah's Website Preorder Her Book Ann