Ask Me About Email Marketing

Email Marketing 004: How can I send file attachments with my email newsletters?



Everyone here at AWeber and the Ask Me About Email Marketing podcast wish you a very happy new year. We hope to answer many valuable questions about email marketing in the weeks and months to come. Let's do this! This week’s question comes from Easter Alexander, a shamanic practitioner who is hoping to send larger files to her email subscribers. To answer her question, we’ve recruited Josh Smith, Email Best Practices Manager at AWeber. In this episode, you'll learn: Why most email service providers, including AWeber, put limits on file attachments. Free solutions to share self-hosted files. How an integration with Digioh can provide assist in file sharing. Here are a few notable links mentioned in the show: Google Drive Dropbox Soundcloud Youtube Vimeo Digioh How to integrate with Digioh To submit a question about email marketing, visit