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Email Marketing 017: Breaking down the Promotions tab with Chris Lang



Email marketers spend a lot of time optimizing their open rates. Getting subscribers to open emails is almost a form of mad science – one that is predicated on first getting your emails seen. But that's easier said than done. Making sure your subscribers see your emails means staying out of the spam folder, and landing in your subscribers' Primary inbox. And because so many of our subscribers have Gmail accounts, it's important to be aware of how the various inbox tabs (Primary, Social, Promotions) work. Like Google's SEO algorithm changes, there are some aspects worth paying attention to and testing. To discuss Gmail deliverability trends and results from his many tests with clients, I've recruited consultant Chris Lang to share his unique 10-point list of ways to get your emails read in Gmail's Primary inbox. Now, for many businesses, being in the Promotions tab might be ideal. The Promotions tab is a place where subscribers go to shop and make purchases, so being listed amongst big brands in a place where