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Email Marketing 031: Email copywriting tactics from a daily sender with Ben Settle



Are you using email marketing to generate an income? If not, do you want to? Writing to sell without feeling "salesy" or "sleazy" is a challenge. When it comes to selling via email, the autoresponder has made it possible to send a sequence of automated emails over time to ensure you get the right message to the right person when they need it most. Also known as "drip campaigns," marketers set up these automated emails to provide information about themselves, the problems they solve and the products they offer. You'll also find that many seasoned marketers teach their strategies and tactics for moving subscribers through the buyer "funnel" in a way that allows them to feel like they're "selling without selling." In fact, we've written a ton about mastering the autoresponder and creating sophisticated automated campaigns, too. (Not to mention, AWeber has been known for providing a great reliable email automation platform since 1998!) While drip campaigns can be effective, however, that's not the only way to inf