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Email Marketing 035: Successful Marketing Systems for Owners with Jon Butt



Do you run the show? Being a business owner is not easy. Marketing trends keep changing, your audience's attention is getting harder to capture, and you need to keep on selling to keep on keeping on. Luckily, the web is full of digital mentors to help guide us along the way. One such mentor is Jon Butt, who has built and sold many online businesses. Now, Jon's developed a successful resource site, blog and podcast to help owners market their business in this digital age. Episode Synopsis In this episode, we discuss how Jon establishes marketing systems to grow his businesses. Jon's site Marketing for Owners is a phenomenal resource for business owners looking to grow with marketing. Listen in as we discuss: How Jon got his start selling fire extinguishers The five questions that every business owner must answer to be truly successful Why most people miss the mark on marketing Developing marketing 'systems' to help you grow your business The 7 P's, or the Perpetual Sales Cycle Ways to make the most of a lead