All In Podcast With Daniel Giordano

49: Erin Boerema, CEO, Podcast Host & Social Media Expert



Taking a business venture to that next level of success is every aspiring entrepreneur’s dream, but all-too-many of us get in our own way. In this episode of All-In, Daniel invites Optimal VA Solutions founder and brand whisperer Erin Boerema to explain how she went from clutching her business’s reigns like an “I-can-do-it myself” two-year-old to welcoming support for her burgeoning company. Also host of the “Making Sense of Entrepreneurship” podcast, Erin has built an entire digital marketing practice around a toolkit for establishing and enhancing brands of all kinds. She started from the ground up, learning about systems and processes, professional and business development on her own and gradually incorporating the wisdom of mentors. When it comes to evolving startups to another stage of maturity, Erin explains, the smart money is on retaining a coach to help light the way. Entrepreneurial efforts can become so all-consuming that  valuable perspective is lost. Daniel elicits from Erin sage advice abou