Studio 78 With Nache Snow

09. Why Content Matters When You Choose a Website Theme



While on the phone with Astral Riles we began discussing why content matters when choosing a website theme. This episode captures the meat of that conversation and clarifies how the two have a direct correlation with each other. ASTRAL RILES Web: AstralRiles.comInstagram: @astralrilesTwitter: @astralrilesFacebook: Astral Riles WHERE’S NACHE’ Website: nachesnow.comInstagram: @nachesnowTwitter: @nachesnowLinkedIn: nachesnowPodcast: Studio 78Facebook: studio78podcastPinterest: Tallook The post 09. Why Content Matters When You Choose a Website Theme appeared first on Nache’ Snow - Resources for Creative Entrepreneurs | Studio 78 Podcast | Entrepreneur, Maker + Queen of Side Hustles.