Studio 78 With Nache Snow

10. How to Get Speaking Engagements + Writing and Promoting Your Book



Cassandra Clarke-Williams, mental health therapist, used her 16 years of school system and coaching experience to create multiple products to help others. In this episode, she talks about diving into speaking, writing and creating an academy. Her story illustrates that with discipline and time management you can accomplish just about anything. Cassandra Clarke-Williams Facebook: CoachingWithClark LinkedIn: Cassandra Clarke-WilliamsYouTube: Cassandra Clarke-Williams Instagram: @coachingwithclarke Twitter: @coachingclarke WHERE’S NACHE’ Website: nachesnow.comInstagram: @nachesnowTwitter: @nachesnowLinkedIn: nachesnowPodcast: Studio 78Facebook: studio78podcastPinterest: Tallook The post 10. How to Get Speaking Engagements + Writing and Promoting Your Book appeared first on Nache’ Snow - Resources for Creative Entrepreneurs | Studio 78 Podcast | Entrepreneur, Maker + Queen of Side Hustles.