Covenant Christian Reformed Church

"Pausing to Pray," Pastor Doug Kamstra, Mark 1:35, January 26, 2020, AM



Pausing to Pray (Discovering God’s Will Together; #8) (Mark 1:35) “We tend to think of prayer as something we do in order to produce the results we believe are needed or, rather, to get God to produce the results. Go to any Christian bookstore and note the number of books devoted to techniques of prayer. We are interested in knowing what works and developing skills that will ensure that our prayers are effective. As a result our prayers tend to be a shopping list of things to be accomplished, an attempt to manipulate the symptoms of our lives without really entering into a deep, vital, transforming relationship with God.” (Robert Mulholland) A. Most believers have a genuine desire to pray... B. That’s why most of us became a Christian - to spend eternity with God CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER A. Prayer is typically defined as talking to God, contemplative prayer is best defined as being with God “Our chief end is to glorify and enjoy God forever” (Westminster Catechism) B. Why is contemplative prayer importa