Choir Ninja, With Ryan Guth

Trust Your Gut, with Dr. Eugene Rogers



Dr. Eugene Rogers gives you permission to listen to your gut. Whether it’s a move, a job, or even a bold programming choice, you can take risks. Some of them will pay off. Some of them will leave you stranded in New York City with no job and no car. But you will grow from all of them. Listen: Highlight to Tweet: “Choral music was deeply inside of me. I had a real passion for it, no matter what.” - Dr. Eugene Rogers Show Notes: Dr. Rogers decided to dedicate his life to music during a piano lesson while he was a high school student. The idea that he could make a living as a musician took root and never wavered. He originally thought he would be a singer. But conducting had a natural ease to it that compelled him to study further. Conducting allows him to most fully express his musical vision. Working for the Boys Choir of Harlem proved to be both a wonderful and a trying experience. Intending to stay in New York until he retired, Eugene was blindsided when the organization announced that because of financial