Choir Ninja, With Ryan Guth

When the Waters Rise, with Stevie Berryman



Stevie Berryman reflects on what it means to return to “normal” after Hurricane Harvey. Part science primer, part therapeutic catharsis, this essay encourages teachers and directors to keep doing their best work, whatever that work is. If you are struggling, if you are’s okay; you’re in good company. It’s not your fault. You can blame it on the second law of thermodynamics. Listen: Highlight to Tweet: “Nothing is static. Doing nothing is the same thing as assisting decay.” - @StevieBeTweetin When the Waters Rise: On Entropy and High Water Entropy may be an odd metaphor for a musician to adopt, but I grew up in a family of scientists. My mother was a biochemist at a time when her lab still elected a female employee to be the company’s beauty queen, which meant a year-long reassignment as the official company spokesmodel. My father has a PhD in physical chemistry, and spent much of his career advising chemical plants how to clean up their spill before the whole mess froze into the tundra. So while I