Choir Ninja, With Ryan Guth

Programs with Impact: Let's Go Digital, with Ryan Guth



You probably never studied graphic design, but your audience still deserves a concert program that doesn’t look like a church bulletin from 1998. If the economic and ecologic costs of paper programs have you concerned, Ryan is here to teach you how to go digital. He will lay out the advantages of digital programs, address some of the disadvantages, and walk you through the process of creating them step by step. Listen [Subscribe on iTunes] [Subscribe on Android] Highlight to Tweet:         “Before you get up in arms about devices at your concert, let’s weigh the options.” - Ryan Guth Show Notes: Physical paper programs (traditional) It is the piece of your concert your audience takes home with them Use for design assistance to make your programs beautiful and professional looking Physical programs (non-traditional) Incorporate something that represents your theme Creates a distinctive keepsake Think creatively - printing on items like balloons or fans may be cheaper than a glossy traditional pa