Mt Lebanon United Methodist Church's Podcast

The Building & The Body: Part II



As Pastor Scott Miller continues to recuperate from surgery, some less-familiar voices will be heard from the pulpit at the 8:30 traditional service. This week, Mitchell Stecker concludes a two-part reflection on Ephesians, the "Queen of the Epistles" -- or, thought of another way, "How to be the Church...for Dummies" -- and explores the ways in which the ekklesia, the body of believers that is the church, is similar to our human bodies, and the ways in which we should behave so as to "build up the body", in the words of the Apostle. Scripture reading: Ephesians 4:4-8; 11-32Mr. Mitchell Stecker, guest preacher.Music permission obtained from ONELICENSE: A-700887. All rights reserved.Support the show (