Ten Minute Podcast

TMP - Snow That Falls on Snow



With No Joke out of town, The Kid returns to the podcast THAT PUT HIM ON THE MAP so that he may sit in and talk about all sorts of whatever with The Chief Engineer of Laughter and Cheer. No God is noticeably yet purposefully absent, being given a different start time by The Mesomorphic Minotaur who knows that Bit Killer Jones will be late. Everything is everything and everything is diamonding on the Ten Minute Podcast. Also, Joint Compound is sitting on the couch for no good reason just the way he is whenever he’s in the studio. No microphone for Baby Cinnamon Pockets. And one last thing, the promo for this Saturday’s Futility of Life episode is so long that it’s almost as if The Greatest Wild Squirrel Photographer in the World is there with The Samoan Hulk and Snow That Falls on Snow the whole time. ‘Preesh.   Subscribe, rate, and review on iTunes and be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook.   TenMinutePodcast.com