Extraordinary Moms Podcast

351: “Girl From Nowhere” author Tiffany Rosenhan



Today my guest is author Tiffany Rosenhan. Tiffany is truly extraordinary because of her extraordinary life and I think she would make a great fit. She had a unique childhood, married young and had 4 young daughters early while her husband was in medical school. Her husband worked constantly and Tiffany wrote as an escape. After 10 years of writing, Bloomsbury published her YA novel, Girl From Nowhere. Just at the peak of all the final details of her launch, her 41 year old husband suffered a hemorrhagic stroke followed by brain surgery and is still suffering from seizures. To put it mildly, her life was turned upside down with so many questions and what ifs. She has juggled her husbands health, 4 young and busy daughters, her book launch and all the other million mom things that fall in between the big stuff with grace and a positive attitude. She has looked outward when she could easily look inward. Her family comes first, yet she still isn’t giving up on her dreams. Show Notes... WEBSITE: tiffanyrosenhan.