Well-adjusted Mama

WAM081 Good Birth Keeping with Earth Power



Earth Power received a B.A. degree in 2003 from prestigious Mills College (Oakland, CA) in child-development, with a prenatal and infant development focus. She is the founder of GOOD BIRTH KEEPER Doula Program established in San Francisco in 2005. Earth became a certified doula through Master Midwife Elizabeth Davis’ Heart & Hands program, an 80-hour plus midwifery education intensive in 2002 and later co-facilitated doula courses with Elizabeth Davis. She completed the Nursing Mother’s Council 60-hour breastfeeding counselor certification course in 2004. Earth is a certified yoga instructor and registered with the International Yoga Alliance, 2010 and has practiced massage therapy since 1998. She has been featured in leading trade publications: “Midwifery Today Magazine”, "Mothering Magazine" and the newsletter for, “The California Association of Midwives.” She was featured in the acclaimed documentary “My baby, My body, My birth”. Earth has been a guest expert on popular radio shows in the San Francisco