Well-adjusted Mama

WAM084 The Power of Pussy and Sister Goddess Activism with Louise Kuo Habakus



Inspired by the book, “Pussy: A Reclamation,” by Regena Thomashauer, Louise explores modern femininity. It’s time to take back what’s rightfully ours, the full responsibility and embodiment of our radiance, our power, and our joy. Mother Earth has been waiting for us. She knows it is the divine feminine that creates, gives, and protects life. The title is the portal and the message inside is even more provocative and revolutionary. Mama Gena has a recipe for true healing for what ails us. Heal the women, heal the world. What does the shame around this word, pussy and her sister the C- word, have to do with the reasons we push away compliments, play small, don’t ask, and keep a lid on it in a world where we feel worried and wrong? What does it matter if our culture does not honor grief, and her kinswomen: rage, longing, jealousy, frustration? What happens when we don’t feel our feelings as women? Find out in this special-edition episode which is also live on Fearless Parent podcast. Louise Kuo Habakus is the f